Saturday, November 7, 2009

"Her Point Is"

Summarizing! He said, she said and all the rest. When I started reading this chapter I thought it was going to be just another reminder that we need to summarize. Whwn in academic writing we most always present our ideas in terms of someone else's. Don't forget to not merely stae what we you think or feel but remember to tell the reader what someone else has said about the subject and how it relates to what you are saying.
While this chapter did do some of this, particularly at the begining, it also hads some good ideas about how to summarize in ways that weren't just boring restatements of what someone else had said. It was worth noting the way in which the writer is encouraged to put his or her own spin on the summary while still maintaining the original authors point. It was also refreshing to see the way in which the author portrays dry boring lists of things someone else has said.
The section on satirical summaries was also helpful in seeing another way that one can summarize without making some bland regergitation of facts that have been previously stated.
The verbs to use to make summaries more energetic and appealing were also helpful. I agree with the writer that summaries need to be made in a way that fits with what you are saying and avoids boring your audience into a state of comatosis.

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