Thursday, October 15, 2009


Some points I found interesting to note with regards to requirement and evaluation

First it says we need to receive 8 points from the two readers and that means 4 from each. I take it that means 5 points from one and 3 from the other doesn't count. The handout also doesn't address a third reader being used in these cases.

It was interesting to look at the requirements for the cover letter
In particular, the ability to reflect about our own strengths and areas for growth and the need to refer to the selections we submit to support our claim. The key thing to me was the last of the criteria list "Avoid extensive summary"

Also the guide says we are to submit 2-4 essays with 13-16 pages in total. If we are only doing 3 in class what does that mean for the other one? Are we expected to write new essays for the portfolio if we don't want to include all three of our essays and two don't quite amount to 13 pages?

Overall I feel the assignment was clear but the working portfolio seemed to only be for us to have as proof of our work and not required to be turned in.

1 comment:

  1. We are going to write four essays in this class. We are about to begin work on the third one, which will keep us busy for the next 3 weeks. Then the fourth one will be a two-week project. Then comes Thanksgiving break, and after that we will work on formatting the portfolio and writing the cover letter. So there will be four to choose from.

    The Working Portfolio is handed in to me, while the Assessment Portfolio is handed in to a committee. The Working Portfolio is a record of your work in this class, and I use it when assigning a final grade for English 100/A.
